Our Solutions

With over 45 years of experience, Business Electronics (BEI) has become a leader in the critical communications recording & workforce optimization solutions. Our team of professionals will help you determine the right solution for your organization.

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Communications Recording

Communications logging and voice recording through our systems provides a 360° view of every inbound call; for law enforcement this includes incident recording & reconstruction and for call centers this gives invaluable insights with powerful tools.

Video Recording

Video Recording

Easily capture video evidence with our video recording solutions and store them safely and securely.

Mobile Interview Room Recording

Interview Room & Mobile Interview Recording

Our interview recording software is the most reliable method for preserving information that can be used as digital evidence either in the office or out in the field.
Child forensic Interviewing

Forensic Interviewing

Record and store sensitive information during forensic interviews with our highly secure solutions designed to help you collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to protect our most vulnerable.

Workforce Optimization

Workforce Optimization

We provide technological solutions to maximize production and optimize customer experience.
Forensic Interview Recording

Cloud Solutions

We offer the technology needed to protect your business’s critical information with easy-to-use and secure cloud solutions.