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Business Electronics (BEI) has been a solutions and system integrator partner with NICE since 1992 and has become the leader in critical communications recording solutions. Our team of professionals will help you determine the right NICE® Inform solution for your organization.

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NICE® Evidencentral Inform for Public Safety

NICE’s Evidencentral Inform for Public Safety manages data from the time an incident happens to when the case closes.
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NICE® Evidencentral Inform:
Incident Recording & Reconstruction

Record & Reconstruct incidents faster using NICE Inform.

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NICE® Evidencentral Inform:
Automated Evidence Production

Transform your audio recording production and sharing process

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NICE® Evidencentral Inform:
Automated Quality Assurance

Focus your QA/QI programs to ensure better performance.

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NICE® Evidencentral Inform:
Real-time Performance Metrics

Identify real-time issues and opportunities for improvement with accurate metrics

Next Generation 9-1-1

Learn about the evolving standards of NG 9-1-1 and how this enhances your incident reconstruction recordings.
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